Academic Journal of

Life Science

[Abbr: Acd. Jr. AJLS]

Study on the Biological Weapon and their Detection Techniques

by Niharika Mishra

Nowadays, the risk of biological and chemical agents is growing day by day. In these biological agents, certain fungi, bacteria and viruses represent a high risk for public health. Biological agents have the characteristics such as the unpredictable nature and have symptoms similar to common infection due to which the biological agents are used as a weapon by the terrorist to harm the large population. There are different types of methods that has been developed to detect these biological agents. These methods are Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (ESI), Immunoassay techniques, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Fluorescence techniques. These techniques have some advantages and disadvantages in the field of biological warfare due to which all biological weapon cannot be detected. In these review paper, we discussed about the different types of technique for the detection of biological weapons and concerns for the future. Keywords: Biological Agents, Weapon, Detection Techniques.

Study on Diagnosis of Turner Syndrome

by Mahesh Sharma

Turner’s syndrome (TS) is referred to as the monosomy X, in which a part of a sex chromosome or total chromosome is lost (45X) with the ratio of 1:2500 in live born infants with phenotypic females. Commonly known as Ulrich Turner Syndrome and it contain main clinical features that includes short stature, cardiac anomalies, lymphedema, primary ovarian, gonadal dysgenesis, swollen hands and feet, webbed neck and neurocognitive difficulties. Patients face various difficulties during increasing over the lifespan in given complexity of the condition. Turner’s syndrome is not detectable in early phase generally which is the main cause of its acuteness. The diagnosis and care of turner syndrome was published on individuals in 1994. By the knowledge of complex etiology and detailing more about its clinical variability and difficulties conclusively allow us to develop the therapeutic and management approach of such patients. In this review paper, study about the diagnostics changes of the turner syndrome in individual. Keywords: Turner Syndrome, Diagnosis, Etiology

Study on Umbilical Cord Blood Banking for Stem Cells and its Associated Therapeutic Uses

by Durgesh Pandey

In current scenario, number of fatal diseases are increasing drastically which can not be cure by normal treatments. These fatal diseases now can be treated by umbilical cord blood, the richest cause of haematopoietic stem cells. Stem cells have the potency of converting itself into any type of organ specific cells and then forming organ specific tissues therefore helpful in healing the damaging tissues or curing the fatal diseases. The present study is about the process of collecting and banking of umbilical cord blood (UCB)-derived cells. These blood cells are collected and preserved just after the birth of the baby, this procedure is known as Cord blood banking. Due to the involvement of the professional organizations and their published standards, UCB banking has very much improved with the passage of time. Keywords: Stem Cells, Umbilical Cord Blood, Cord Blood Banking, Pluripotent, Therapeutic Uses.

Bacteriological Study of Diabetes Foot Ulcer

by Vivek Khare

Diabetes is a long life disease in which the sugar level is increased in blood. Diabetes contains the one of the most complication disease that is Diabetic foot ulcer. Diabetes foot ulcer is one of the major medical, social and economic complications of Diabetes mellitus and this infection has polymicrobial nature. Diabetes foot ulcer infections have the optimal treatment in which the type of foot ulcer infection is recognized and pathogen-appropriate antibiotic therapy is suggested. In case of non-recognizable and uncontrolled of foot ulcer diabetes, it can be leads to many devastating consequences like limb amputation, sepsis, and even mortality and hospitalized. In this review paper, we studied about the bacteriological profile of Diabetes Foot Ulcers. Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Foot Ulcer Diabetes, Polymicobial, Pathogen

Species Identification from DNA Barcoding Technology

by Umesh Prakash

DNA barcoding is a taxonomic method, which identify the species in fast and accurate way. It is the method that uses the short DNA fragment, created from the standard state of genome for the individualization. It works as a novel biological tool in organismal biology to upsurge the understanding about natural world. DNA barcode technique is used in all prokaryotic and eukaryotic plants and animals. Different types of barcode has been discovered that are used for the species identification. In animal, cytochrome oxidase I (COI) is used while in plant different types of barcodes such as rbcL, matK, trnHpsbA, ITS2 and so on. These barcodes have the limits as they are used for the particular species. In this technology, BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool), and BOLD (Barcode of Life Database) are used to maintain the data of museum and herbarium species and used as a standard for the comparison purpose. In this review study, the main objective is to find out the ability of DNA barcoding for the species identification. Keywords: Barcoding, Species, BLAST, BOLD

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